Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Vast math knowledge

Introduction to prime factorization calculator

A prime number are natural number that can be only divided by 2 numbers: 1 & itself. For example 1, 3, 5, 11, 13, 17 etc. Numbers which are divisible by other numbers are no prime numbers such as 4 (4=2*2), 6 (6=2*3), & 4 (8=2*4).

A Prime number by which a given number is divisible is a prime factor . For example the prime factors of 6 are 2 & 3. Prime factorization is the way of finding a list of prime factors for a number.Each factor can be written in exponent form


Prime factorization of a few numbers is shown below:
24 =2 x 2 x 2 x 3= 23 x 3
72= 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 = 23 x 32
98=2 x 7 x 7= 2 x 72

It is which takes a number as an input & gives the list of prime factorization as its output,you may also look at polynomial calculator.

There's various methods of finding prime factorization by hand. The most often used are;Short Division Process & Factoral trees process.Learninig math is Exploring

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